I Love...

I love beeeers!
I guess they helped a lot last night, with the mooncake of course!
Hmm, do I love aircraft? Maybe?
No, I don't love reading by the way.

Anyway, I exceeded the passing score of 70% and I got myself a 96%!

Woah, I was so panic before the exam because, I was practically "partying" last night until about 2 in the morning. I was so worried because I didn't read anything at all in the given two free days so I stayed up, googling the stuff that I should know about this new aircraft that I'll be aviating. Effort paid off, I guess...

P/S : So sorry to Jopat and Mac, and also Cheston. It's not my fault that I was lucky during the exam, alright? It was really, pure luck.

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