One-Week Updates

Things can always get worse. They might appear pretty initially but no, nobody can guarantees their beauty to last.

It's been a week since I last updated my blog and I couldn't believe that the first update-post would be of a bad-news genre.

The weather changes, just like love. Scratch that...

Anyway, the weather forecast says that there will be a typhoon hitting the Philippines soon. Soon as in a day time to a week. And this week, the weather is bad. Well, at least bad for flying.

Another bad news is...

I'll be flying my LAST flight with Clark Aviation tomorrow! Then, not anymore!

Well, not anymore, ANYMORE, just that eight of us will be transferred to OMNI AVIATION, our "neighbor" to resume our flying to fast-pace the core-flying of both Batch 005/07 and 006/07.

I hope this transition will be regarded as a good thing. Good as in, making us more flexible in flying different types of aircraft in the future and, like what Cheston said, from low-winged to high-winged aircraft, I won't be getting anymore tanned! I'm happy with my color okay...

Tomorrow will mark a very historical day...

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