Moi et Moi-même...

Me and Myself...

(All pictures were taken at Omni)

Life can be really sweet for some otherwise, bitterly sour for the rest. I'm in the latter category.
So, you ask, what's wrong with me? Seriously, I have no idea.
I'm at the base of my lifetime journey, not even close to a tiny bit of success yet...
I've been studying, flying, doing research and put in a lot of effort into this but they just don't seem to work out!

Sonali will be doing her Progress Check tomorrow, as a preparation before Solo. I'm talking about solo! How cool is that? I mean, I believe that's the once-in-a-lifetime thing that most pilot cadets in the world would want to achieve! This will be the moment that proves you can handle the aircraft all by yourself and without any complication.

I've been flying longer than she had but now, she's progressing faster and better than I've ever achieved. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely happy for her and I wish for the best to happen. I'm just a little worried bout myself. I can't seem to cope up! I can't land the aircraft the way my instructor wants and not to mention all the other pilots out there.

I feel like I've always been failing myself; falling deeper and deeper into the losers-abyss. I don't want to feel this way, I don't want to be this way but I have no capability to deviate myself from this direction. I've tried, tried really hard and now I'm drained. I used to think, "I have a goal and I'm determined to achieve it!" but life doesn't always go the way I wanted...


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