
For the past two weeks, I have been seeing some doctors from few different specialities. The most important being the nephrologist. Since I have to renew my First Class Medical every once a year, I wasn't quite ready to be examined, but I have no choice.

Without the medical certificate, I will not be able to fly, and so, the procedures began. Urinalysis, blood chemistry, heart test and all sorts of other weird medical terms were the few of most I've done.

You know what? I think if I continued writing, this would be too long.

To make the long story short, I've been medicated to get some good results in my blood compositions and it worked but Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) wanted me to get another blood test done in their department. I did and they wanted me to get an ultrasound for my urinary bladder and kidneys afterwards.

All in all, five blood tests were completed, two different ultrasound reports from two different hospital in two consecutive days and some urine samples taken just to make sure my kidneys are okay. Worst of all, I've spent an abso-bloody-lutely huge amount of money just for my medical. Trust me!

Right now, I'm just waiting for the release of my medical certificate from CAAP and I hope everything will turn out good. I will be thankful.

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