Thank You


One word, THANK YOU. Wait, were those, two words? Haha!

Okay, I guess they are two words.


Really, I mean it… Thank you my friends who are still concern about me and constantly ask about my studies and my situation here in the Philippines. I appreciate all your lve and I’ll make sure I will never waste your care on me.

By the way, I’m actually writing this post offline because my dorm here has a really bad connection and I’m sick of writing this shit sheet of post over and over again.

Alright. Before we go to “My Studies”, I’ll brief you on how we do things here.

All the systems used here are computer based. So, basically they can (and will) track all of your activities on the computer (even your laptop) that you logged onto. Each and every student (we call it cadet, actually) here will have a personal computer on his/her desk in the class. Too bad, these computers are not for gaming, chatting, email-checking, whatsoever but are strictly, only for studying. There’s a program where we must log in and complete a sum of hours allocated. If we failed to complete these hours before our test (usually there’s a progress test everyday, and trust me, it’s NOT easy) we are not allowed to take the test. So far, my batch has not tried it yet (well, it’s the first week, everyone is damn hardworking) and hopefully we will never have to tried it.

My Studies.

Actually, I have nothing much to write about my studies. Basically, there are 13 subjects I would have to study really hard for and all of these take only about 5 months. Yesterday (08/10/07, Friday) was graduation day for Batch 002. Congratulations guys (and girl)! The batch has a girl and… 4 guys ONLY. Five in a class for a batch, not bad huh? Well, now that they’ve completed ground school, they’re ready to fly! When I think about it, hm, it’s gonna be my turn real soon! Hopefully nothing stops me from achieving my goal, this time! That’s it for now. Click to enlarge the pictures below. Some were taken really badly, once again thanks to my shakey hands. Regarding the Batch 002 Graduation Day, I will post some pictures soon with one of which will be in the newspaper.

First, click on 'My Courses' to start. The then displayed is as below.

There is a total of i-forgot-how-many (I think 24) weeks and the lessons varied from week to week. In my first week, I could have been studying subjects of the other week. Let's take my course as an example. I'm only in my first week, why is the box next to 'Week 03' is blue in color? This is because there's a subject, Meteorology listed in Week 03 and it's on my schedule. So, I have to click on it but doesn't mean that I've skipped a few weeks. (see below for the indication keys)

Now, how do the managements track us for our hours of time spent? See below.

First, you click the return button (middle of the upper right) and click 'My Reports'. Then choose 'Lesson Training History' and the screen will appear as below.

After checking the hours spent, I have to fill them up in the form below. Phew, finally finished the story.

The pictures of my class will soon be posted as well. Thanks for the time. Au revoir!

1 Loud remark(s):

Sook Lee said...

Cool eh? Computer based. But to think that you have to like log in and complete the hours thingy... not that cool after all.