
First thing's first, I apologize for not updating my blog for quite some time because I'm so lazy, no, I mean busy with my flying here.

Okay done. Next, updates :
  • I passed my Progress Check II on the second trial.
  • Today is the first flight for Jeffrey and Ibrahim, unfortunately not for Laith.
  • Ten more days to arrive at Malaysia for Christmas and New Year.
Too bad, I'm bringing some friends around Malaysia, so, I might not have the time to hang out with my Malaysian friends. I know you guys miss me, not!

Also, you guys should know it's bloody expensive for me but not for you to call me up from Malaysia, come on, pop me some calls man... Text messages, no thanks. It's also expensive per text reply from the Philippines too.

Things here have been going really slow... So slow I could sleep whole day not bothering when to wake up. Alarms are useless meantime. And before I forget, happy belated and advance birthday to my cousin, Siew and the greatest god-sister around, Pony!

P/S : Safe flights buddies! Don't bully Captain Angeles, Jeffrey and Ibrahim!

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