Tourism and Terrorism

Joke of the day.

Ibrahim, the Omani told me that one of his friends, let's call him X, was planning to go to the States (or other country, I can't remember) for leisure purposes. Since it was his first flight to the States, he was very excited at the same time, very nervous. X's brother told him that when filling up the white card or being asked for the reason of entering the country, write or say "tourism."

The reason for all these hassle is mainly because of the 911 case and since he's an Arab, he has to be worried. Some of his friends were stopped from entering the country of visit and some, being sent home.

So, days before his flight, he kept reminding himself of what his brother told him.

"Tourism... tourism... toorism... torrism... terrism... terrosm..." and on the day of his flight, he was not surprised being asked by the immigration officers of his intentions. But... because of all the reminders and memorizations, he nervously said "Terrorism."

Voila, there you go. He was detained for many, many hours then. Maybe 24 hours, maybe 36 or even 48.

As soon as he was released, he fucked that trip and left for Malaysia. Hehee, just for laughs!

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