Jamais Vu

Jamais Vu, pronounce it "zhaa-may voo" and it's not exactly the opposite of deja vu but often thought so. It's the "never before" feeling that you feel whether you're in a new environment or discovering new feelings.

That my friend will be my latest blog title. Pages are building up and I'm pretty psych to launch it on my birthday. Stay tune guys!

Blogger App for iOS

Okay I've finally downloaded the blogger app for iPhone and I guess it's safe to say that its simplicity covers almost everything I can and want to do with my phone. I would prefer to handle complicated stuff on my Mac instead.

Oh have I mentioned I've got a puppy? Like finally since childhood! Lola, the super adorable Pomeranian!


Turning 23 in a week! Can't believe I'm gonna make the same birthday wish again for the past three years including this year's. Anyway, I find that I'm extremely addicted to Instagram! Also back to blogging, I guess I'm just a little too bored of life and what seem to be UNEMPLOYMENT.

What a failure, at this age and in this modern world, 23 is definitely too old NOT to have a job. Not being able to pay dues and buy whatever I like. Sigh. I guess I'm gonna focus more on how to be a 'good' pilot and good Instagramer (I just wanna be good at things I like!) oh and also blogging!

By the way, I might switch this blog to a new site soon. So stay tune!

Wait a sec, I wonder if people still read my blog, especially my friends and my used-to-be frequent followers...

Meantime, please go follow me on Instagram and like my pictures! I still have a goal, ONE goal to achieve, I wanna get my picture into the popular page! Hehehe, silly I know but it seems that this is (easier than getting a job!) target that I might actually achieve! Wish me luck!

Dear Santa

It been such a long time since I last blogged. Thanks for those who are still checking in from time to time.

It's yet again, Christmas. I wonder what will I wish for since I've been such a good boy these past few years.

Santa, please grant me a job!

Will blog again when the mood strikes :P