Turning 23 in a week! Can't believe I'm gonna make the same birthday wish again for the past three years including this year's. Anyway, I find that I'm extremely addicted to Instagram! Also back to blogging, I guess I'm just a little too bored of life and what seem to be UNEMPLOYMENT.

What a failure, at this age and in this modern world, 23 is definitely too old NOT to have a job. Not being able to pay dues and buy whatever I like. Sigh. I guess I'm gonna focus more on how to be a 'good' pilot and good Instagramer (I just wanna be good at things I like!) oh and also blogging!

By the way, I might switch this blog to a new site soon. So stay tune!

Wait a sec, I wonder if people still read my blog, especially my friends and my used-to-be frequent followers...

Meantime, please go follow me on Instagram and like my pictures! I still have a goal, ONE goal to achieve, I wanna get my picture into the popular page! Hehehe, silly I know but it seems that this is (easier than getting a job!) target that I might actually achieve! Wish me luck!

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