

We adopted a kitten! She was an estimate of few months old when we got her. She's now healthily chubby! We named her Fuzzy after researching that cats are more sensitive to names rhymes with 'e'. After some training and playing and feeding, she finally answers to "Fuzzy!" All of us love her very much!

Though, if given the chance, I'd prefer a puppy/dog!

District 9


Finally watched it. I recommend it. Good moral value.


Two days ago, all of us (Sonali, Charu, Jeffrey, Cheston, Big Mo', Small Mo', Yousif and I) went for the last movie of the month. We're on some kinda celibacy on not to spend any more unnecessary cash.

Back to the movie. It was great actually... First 3D experience in the Philippines and second time in a digital cinema. So, here are some pictures. Sonali and Jeffrey were blocked... You get the point.

How to Make Man Save Money!


Note: These are all from forwarded mail. I do not own these pictures. If they belong to you and you wished them removed, please contact me.


Watched "Orphan" few days ago and I thought it was great! It has to be the smartest horror-and-thriller movie I've ever watched this year!

A must watch!


Watched it few weeks ago, really enjoyable! A must watch!

I can't believe a movie of four guys' story could be this entertaining!

P/S : Baby jack-off was extremely funny!


"Good luck, JOES!"

Okay, watched this movie days ago and really liked it. Though, the graphics could be more realistic at some scenes!