The Gravedancers

Can you believe it was released in the States in 2006? Yeah you should.
And can you believe it was just released recently here? You should too because it was.

Anyway, I watched this movie and you're right if you're guessing I was with a girl.

You're right again if you would to guess that she has been screaming, yelling, jumping, moving, shaking, and so on. You name the impulsive expressions, she pulled them all off!

You're also right that she is the infamous, Sonali.

Let's go back to the movie. Yes, the trailer was made beautifully horrifying but guess what, it is crappy. Generally, the most interesting part of a movie or book would be its complicatedly-knotted climax and how the characters untangle it, right?

Well, in this movie, you can just forget about it. It's really crappy. The so-called graphics by the same team who made the Fantastic 4 and Hellboy 2, I was expecting too much. At least, the same scale and degree of graphics smoothness would do, but, let's just say they've tried their very best.

First approximately one hour was nevertheless, nicely done but not after that. That's all I'm gonna say.

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