Good Deal for My Nottingham Readers!


Since I've abandoned you guys, there's something good for you!

Well, you know how much I money I can save and there's an OK amount of credit in my account.

These are the details:

ID : 003456
Username : efey71lpc
Password : either 00000000 (Eight Zeroes), 12345678 (One Two Three ...) or possibly 87654321 (Eight Seven Six ...)
Credit left : ~RM45

My point is, use my account for your xerox and printing works but please be considerate and share with the others. That's it folks. Miss you guys, A LOT man!

P/S : NONE of those passwords stated up there match my accounts (MSN, YM, Skype, Friendster, Multiply, WordPress, Blogspot, Facebook, Top Man, ...)

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